To Blog, or Not to Blog....
Running a business is time consuming. With our busy day to day schedules it seems impossible to find the time to blog consistently, let alone get your own to-do list done. Afterall, how much does blogging really help your business?
As it turns out, blogging is more important than you may think, for a couple of reasons.
1. It Factors Into Your Organic Search Ranking
Google is constantly updating their ranking algorithms, with the general consensus amongst experts being that they update it nearly 600 times per year. This certainly keeps SEO professionals busy. There is a lot that goes into how well you rank against your competition, but consistently creating new content is an important factor that goes into that ranking.
When writing your blog, it is important to not only speak candidly with your intended audience, but also take into consideration how Google will read (“crawl”) your site. The key here is to find that delicate balance of including keywords in your blog’s content, headings, and meta descriptions without overstuffing them, which can negatively impact your ranking.
Google rewards companies in the rankings that post blogs that answer their audience’s questions, helps them solve a problem, or educates them on a particular topic. Doing so also helps build authority in the industry, which you can learn more about in our second reason below.
The currency of blogging is authenticity and trust.– JASON CALACANIS, ANGEL INVESTOR & FOUNDER OF WEBLOGS, INC.
2. It Builds Authority in Your Industry
If you are like most companies, you are in a consistent battle to become the most trusted name in your industry. Whether you are a B2B company or B2C, one of your main objectives is to build a strong reputation in the eyes of your clients & customers. One way to do that is through relevant blog posts.
Blogs that are relevant and engaging, build trust with your intended audiences, keeping them on your site for longer, answering their potential questions, and addressing their own problems.
A good example of this is Home Depot. Home Depot is arguably the most trusted brand name in the home improvement retail industry, and for good reason. They always seem to have what you need, the employees are helpful, and they have mastered building trust with their customer base through relevant, seasonal advertising and content creation.
Check out their blog page here to see a good example of what we are talking about.
3. It Contains Valuable Information About Your Reader
Business, more than ever, is about being able to leverage valuable data into making important business decisions. Where someone is in their buying journey is going to directly impact how you talk to them. Blogs actually present a unique opportunity to learn more about your audience and the individual readers.
Not only will you be able to garner key demographic information about your readers, you can also get an idea of how to market to them moving forward. Remarketing ads are the process of showing specific ads to people who have been to your website before or on a specific page (or blog post for that matter).
You can safely assume that someone reading a blog post about “How to Choose the Best Printing Company”, is more ready for sales type remarketing ads, than someone reading a blog post titled, “What Can Printing Companies Do?”. The latter is in more of the education step of the decision making process.
4. It Promotes Engagement & Increases Visibility
Blog posts are a great opportunity to not only engage with your audience, but to also have your readers share your posts with their coworkers and peers. This increases your brand’s visibility online, further cementing you as a leader in your market.
Make sure you are sharing your blog posts on your social media channels, responding to comments, and engaging with your market. This is just as important as the blog itself!

In Summary
While this explained a few of the ways blogging can help your business, we just scratched the surface of the benefits that it can bring. We strongly urge you to make time for blogging consistently. If you can’t find the time, consider allowing us to handle your blogging. Our talented team of writers can make sure that you are pushing out fresh content on a consistent basis.